How Will the Holistic Medicine Industry Look Post-Pandemic?

holistic medicine practicioner

COVID-19 pandemic has already inflicted terrible damage upon many holistic medicine practices. As if the first wave of lockdowns wasn’t damaging enough, the sudden resurgence in cases throughout the country has pulled the rug out from underneath many businesses that thought the worst was already behind them. While it remains to be seen if states will begin ordering more shutdowns to limit the spread of the virus, holistic practices should start thinking about making lasting changes to their businesses rather than trying to ride out the crisis.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Integrative Medicine Industry

Social distancing requirements have proven particularly difficult, though not impossible, for acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic practices to manage. When the reopening process began in late spring, many of them adapted as best they could to the new guidelines, changing how many patients were scheduled, limiting staff presence, and procuring additional protective equipment. But just because those practices were ready to receive patients doesn’t mean they all came flooding back. A recent survey of healthcare facilities found that 79% of them were seeing fewer patients now than they did prior to the pandemic, a trend that has undoubtedly affected holistic practices as well.

5 Changes Integrative Medicine Practices can Expect to See Post-Pandemic

While it’s too early to say what the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will be on holistic practices, there are some changes that seem quite likely to occur.

1. Marketing Will be More Important Than Ever

When the threat of the pandemic finally recedes, integrative medicine practices will face the tremendous challenge of attracting new patients. People may not know that holistic practices are even still open, so it will be important to establish a strong marketing presence to broadcast those services. The post-pandemic competitive landscape may look very different, with some long-standing practices going out of business and unproven newcomers opening practices. Established practices must be prepared to stand out in this new environment with the right marketing message that brings people back for their services.

2. More Patient Engagement

In addition to stepping up their marketing, practitioners will likely feel the pressure to cultivate stronger relationships with their patients. Keeping in regular communication with patients will make it easier to retain them over time and also build up a strong infrastructure that allows the practice to stay in contact in the future. Should another pandemic or similar event occur, having an engaged patient base will make the practice more resilient should it need to cut back or shut down services again.

3. Long Term Health Complications

One of the most disturbing and poorly understood aspects of COVID-19 is the lingering health effects it causes in some patients after recovery. These impacts include kidney damage, nervous system dysfunctions, and joint inflammation. Holistic practices must make themselves aware of these symptoms and determine how their health services might be able to address them for patients in search of relief.

4. Ongoing Social Distancing

While hopes remain high for the rapid development of a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s important to remember that their rollout will likely take place over time and could face significant logistical barriers. That’s partially why a study conducted early in the pandemic estimated that social distancing measures may be necessary well into 2022. Holistic practices should be prepared to keep social distancing guidelines in their offices in place for the foreseeable future.

5. Increased Demand for Remote Services

The retail industry has long found that online services tend to be “sticky.” That is, once people start using them, they tend to stick with the behavior. It’s why the number of online shoppers grows after each holiday season and it could be why the number of people expecting healthcare and holistic practices to offer remote services after the pandemic. The growth of telemedicine and increased familiarity with video conferencing tools could create a tremendous opportunity for holistic practices to reach a new range of customers who may not be willing to make an in-person appointment, but might be interested in remote consultations or presentations.

Prepare Your Holistic Practice for the Future with the Help of Holistic Billing!

Managing all these new challenges in the aftermath of the pandemic can be difficult enough without having to think about how they might impact your billing and coding. Partnering with an experienced medical billing provider with a special focus in acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic services can take the burden of insurance billing off your plate so you can work on meeting the needs of your patients and growing your practice.

At Holistic Billing Services, we deal exclusively with holistic healthcare practices like acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic treatment. Our team of experienced billing and coding experts understand the unique needs of holistic practices and can help you take steps to improve your insurance reimbursements, reduce denied claims, and accelerate your revenue cycle management. To learn more about the benefits of holistic billing and begin preparing your practice for a post-pandemic world, contact our team today.